Gestern kam ein Mail von Tim Rudman (the godfather of toning and lithprinting) mit der Vorankündigung für sein neues Buch, das im Sommer verfügbar sein soll. Es ist diesmal kein Fachbuch mit Anleitungen (wie the world of lithprinting an dem ich auch meinen bescheidenen Anteil hatte) sondern ein Bildband über Island. Um die volle Kontrolle über die Herstellung zu behalten, hat Tim eigens eigenen Verlag gegründet. Wir dürfen also gespannt sein.
Und jetzt lass ich Tim selbst zu Word kommen:
The Book:‘Iceland, an Uneasy Calm’ began life 8 years ago. It had been my intention to photograph in Iceland since the 1970s, but somehow life always ‘got in the way’ until 2007, when I joined the American photographic artist Bill Schwab’s first group trip there - the combination of Bill Schwab and Iceland together being just too good to miss!I have been visiting Iceland regularly and in all seasons ever since and like others I have fallen in love with it. During this time Iceland has become one of the most popular destinations anywhere for photographers and understandably so. It is a landscape like no other and every photographer will or should find their own personal way of identifying with it. This is mine.The book is a handsome cloth bound hardback with a dust cover. It measures 300mm x 280mm and beautifully printed and bound in Verona, Italy. 132 pages with a Foreword by Bill Schwab and an introductory text by me. Approximately 100 plates of the selenium & thiourea toned fibre based prints.The first edition is limited to 1,000 copies and there will be a very small number of deluxe copies housed in a beautiful cloth or silk bound clamshell case with a limited edition silver gelatine dual toned handmade print from the book.The books should be ready by mid summer if schedules are met, but I will keep you updated in occasional newsletters.